Creating a redirect URL

  1. To create a redirect URL, log into neetoCourse and go to Settings.

  2. In Settings, select Redirect URLs under General settings.

    Setting Page
  3. Click on Add new Redirect URL button.

  4. Add a source path and a destination URL.

    • Source: This should be the relative path from which the user will be redirected from. Relative path should start with a backslash /

      • For example: /basic-html , /learn-basic-html/html-elements-with-attributes/id-attribute/ etc.

    • Destination: This should be the path which the user will be redirected to when they visit source path.

      Supports both absolute URL and relative URL

      • For example:

      • /basic-html

    Redirect URLs page with Add new redirect URL panel open
  5. Click on Add button to add the redirection.

    Redirect URLs page with added redirection

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