Repository structure to connect a course to GitHub

A directory inside a GitHub repository can be connected to a course only if it follows the following format.

1. assets directory

This directory contains unique assets for the courses. It contains the following sub-directories:

- images: This contains all the images used in the course. The images can be used in the markdown files in pages and also in metadata.yml in courses as home logos and logos.

- audios: All audios used in one or more courses.

- videos: All videos used in one or more courses.
- databases: This contains the .db files used in the course pages when an editor makes use of sql and needs a database as a base for running/testing queries.

2. courses directory

This directory contains the courses data.
Each course should be stored in a separate directory inside courses, with a preferrably slugified name/reference to a course, but there is no restriction.

For example, the template repository here contains five courses, referenced by learn-ruby, learn-javascript and so on.

Each course directory should have the following contents:

2.1. assets.yml file

This file should contain the assets used in the course. It is a YAML file with the following structure:

- learn-sql.svg
- sql-header-image.png
- sql_sum.png
- students1.db
- students2-v1.db
- students3-v1.db
- students3-v3.db
- students3-v2.db

All images that we want to use in the course should be listed in the images array. Similarly, all databases that we want to use in the course should be listed in the databases array.
If you want to use an image, video, audio or database in the course, it should also be present in the assets directory in the repository root.

2.2. metadata.yml file

This file should contain the metadata/properties of the course. It is a YAML file with the following structure:

name: Learn HTML
subheading: Learn HTML by actually writing HTML
slug: learn-html
published: false
home_logo: javascript.svg
logo: html-header-image.png
key: html
position: 1
chapter_completion_image: celebration.gif

Here are the validations on these fields:

  • name: (required) (string) The name of the course

  • subheading: (optional) (string) The subheading/description of the course

  • slug: (required) (string) The slug of the course. This is used to generate the URL of the course. This should be unique for each course.

  • published: (required) (string) A boolean (*true/false*) value indicating whether the course is published or not.

  • home_logo: (optional) (string) The name of the logo file to be used on the home page. A file with the same name should be present in the assets/images directory, if specified.

  • logo: (optional) (string) The name of the logo file to be used on the course page. A file with the same name should be present in the assets/images directory, if specified.

  • custom_data: (optional) (object) A custom object containing any custom data that you want to store for the course. This can be used to store any custom data that you want to use in your application.

  • position: (optional) (integer) The value of position must be a numerical value greater than 0 which reflects the position of the courses.

  • chapter_completion_image: (optional) (string) The name of the image/gif file that will be displayed at chapter completed page of the course. A file with the same name should be present in the assets/images directory and same filename should be specified in the assets.yml of the course directory as well.

2.3. chapters.yml file

This file at the root of each course directory inside courses, contains the list of chapters within the course and their data. It is a YAML file with the following structure:

- name: Getting started
  slug: getting-started
- name: Convert String into Array
  slug: convert-string-into-array
  has_pages: false

Each chapter in chapters.yml contains the following fields:

  • name: (required) (string) The name of the chapter

  • slug: (required) (string) The slug of the chapter. This is used to generate the URL of the chapter. This should be unique for each chapter within a course.

  • has_pages: (optional)(string) A boolean (*true/false*) value which indicates whether the chapter will have any page or not. By default it's set to true.

    When has_pages is set to false, corresponding chapter directory should only contain the markdown file with the content of the chapter.

2.4. chapters directory

This directory inside each course directory contains the chapters data.
Each chapter should be stored in a separate directory inside chapters, with the name starting with a number followed by a hyphen and then the slug of the chapter.

Additionally, the names of chapter directories should be in the same order as they would be in chapters.yml. For example, if you have 2 chapters with slugs getting-startedand convert-string-into-array in that order, then a valid naming scheme for the chapter directories can be 1-getting-started and 2-convert-string-into-array.

Each chapter directory should contain the following files:

Pages won't be required when has_pages is set to false for a chapter. In that case the particular chapter directory should only contain a markdown file named which will have the content of the chapter.

2.4.1. pages.yml

This file is at the root of each chapter directory inside chapters, contains the list of pages within the chapter and their data. It is a YAML file with the following structure:

- title: Convert a String into an Array
  slug: convert-a-string-into-an-array
  page_type: lesson
- title: Exercise - String to array
  slug: exercise-string-to-array
  page_type: exercise

Each page in pages.yml contains the following fields:

  • title: (required) (string) The title of the page

  • slug: (required) (string) The slug of the page. This is used to generate the URL of the page. This should be unique for each page within a chapter.

  • page_type: (required) (string) The type of page. This can be either lesson, exercise or assessment.

2.4.2. pages directory

This directory inside each chapter directory contains the pages data.

Each page should be stored in a separate markdown (`.md`) file inside pages, with the file name starting with a number followed by a hyphen and then the slug of the page.

Additionally, the names of page files should be in the same order as they would be in pages.yml. For example, if you have 2 pages with slugs convert-a-string-into-an-array and exercise-string-to-array in that order, then a valid naming scheme for the page files can be 1-convert-a-string-into-an-array and 2-exercise-string-to-array.

Each markdown file in pages should contain just the content of the page in markdown fashion.

3. codeblock

Read about configuring codeblocks here.

4. panel

Read about configuring panels here.

5. domtestevents

Read about configuring domtestevents here.

6. Writing code snippet

While writing code snippet you should mention the language name, for example javascript
should be `js`.

Commit hook validations

To make sure the data is valid, we have a commit hook that runs validations on the data on each commit made to the repository. If the data is not valid, the hook will fail.

To set up the hook, run the following commands in the root of the repository:

bundle install
yarn install

Check the template repository for reference here.